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What Is Google Browser Called

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Search Engine vs Browser

There is a lot of confusion around the two most frequently used buzz words: search engine and browser. Recently, Google conducted an interview on the streets of New York asking people to define a browser. Out of a sample of over 50, only 8 per cent of the people answered with the correct definition of a browser.

Unless you're a privacy enthusiast. But if you're using any other browser you should pay attention to your default search engine so that you attain the maximum output. Speaking of other browsers, there is a brand new browser in the town, Microsoft Edge or I should say 'Chromium powered' Microsoft Edge. Google has a browser called Google Chrome. Microsoft Windows provides and installs a browser called Internet Explorer (IE). Google hangout instant messenger account. You should have IE on the computer. You would appear to have posted this question using Firefox.

The newest version of Edge is what's called a 'Chromium' browser. This means that it can run hundreds of extensions that were originally meant for Google Chrome users. This includes screen readers. Alternatively referred to as a web browser or Internet browser, a browser is a software program to present and explore content on the World Wide Web.These pieces of content, including pictures, videos, and web pages, are connected using hyperlinks and classified with URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers). This page is an example of a web page that can be viewed using a browser.

A browser is a software program installed on your computer locally. There are many browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Opera, etc. A browser is used to access various websites and web pages. A search engine is also a software program that searches for some particular document when specific keywords are entered. The search engine matches the exact keywords entered against the documents available on the Internet and returns a list of documents in which the keywords were found. Google and Yahoo are the most popular search engines.

Another interesting thing to be noticed is that you use a browser to get a search engine. For example, you open Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox and then type the web address of a search engine such as,

When you open a search engine and enter a few keywords, a program called an indexer reads the documents on the web and creates an index based on the words contained in each document and returns it if the words match the entered keywords. The search engine uses a proprietary algorithm to create its indices in order to return only meaningful results for each query entered by the user.


1. A browser is used to access websites and web pages whereas a search engine is

used to search for particular information.

2. I.E., Firefox, Safari, and Chrome are the most popular web browsers while Google and

Yahoo are the most popular search engines.

What Is My Browser Version

3. A browser is used to access the Internet whereas in order to open a search engine

you need a browser.

What is google
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What Is Google Browser Called

Although Google Chrome and Internet Explorer are both web browsers that serve the same fundamental purpose, there are certain key differences that attract users to one or the other.
The first and most obvious difference is the design of the actual browser. Google Chrome aims to be more of a lightweight browser, so it features a limited set of options under its preferences, a larger browser window, and the omnibar, which combines both the search functions and the web functions into one. This allows Google Chrome to be very simplistic and efficient in browsing. Internet explorer on the other hand does not have an omnibar, nor are the preferences as straightforward as Google Chrome, but it does allow the user to modify and tweak many more
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Another major difference is the development of the actual browser. Internet Explorer is developed by Microsoft using a proprietary code, and as a result, any updates such as bug fixes, new features, or small modifications that are made on IE have to be released by Microsoft. Google Chrome on the other hand is a faster, open source browser that uses the open source WebKit code, and anyone who is able to write code will be able to submit a modified build to a forum ( that Google monitors. Any new features that are built into the browser can then be selected by Google, and placed into the newest version of Google Chrome. To many people this makes Google Chrome a very desirable option because any bugs and additional features can be fixed or added on almost immediately.
Although both browsers are constantly updated to deal with new security threats that are found on the internet the security of both browsers still varies. Two of the standards used to measure the security of the browsers include the Acid 3 test, and the ability of hackers to hack into computers using the respective browser. Acid 3 measures the ability of the browser to render and utilise the information presented on the web, so a rule of thumb, a higher Acid 3 score typically suggests a better built browser that is able to handle security threats presented online. As of August 18, 2010, the Acid 3 test of the latest stable release of Google Chrome is 100/100, whilst the score of Internet

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